Digging deep

We make you look right and sound right. We differentiate you from your rivals.

We only achieve it by looking deep into the heart of your business. We’ll work with you to understand your core values and strengths, refine them to the essentials, then get these essentials across in a way that’s creative, innovative, confident and engaging.


For Wylde, it’s about being smart and strategic, and ensuring that design isn’t just cosmetic but works hard too.


That’s why we follow the Design Council's ‘Double-Diamond’ approach for our creative process. Done well, it will create branding that’s natural, eye-catching, current and relevant, but most of all, effective. It’s about consistency combined with the right amount of flexibility to allow your brand to come to life and express itself confidently across multiple marketing channels in a way that stands out.


Creative effectiveness equals brilliant ideas living across multiple channels and touch points.


We invest time digging, listening, understanding, interpreting, then communicating without pretension — these are some of our core values. Plus, of course, the necessary breadth of experience in marketing, sales and commerce to know what will work for you.


Got some questions?

The Wylde way

Divided into four distinct phases – Discover, Define, Design and Deliver – here is a simple visual presentation of our design process.

We start with the discovery phase, investing lots of time with you to understand your business and everything that impacts it. We ask lots of questions — some challenging — and put ourselves in your shoes. We try to look at your world in a fresh way, noticing new things and gathering insights.


Then comes the definition stage, in which we pull everything together and try to make sense of all the possibilities identified in the Discovery phase. What stands out? What matters most? The goal here is to develop and define a clear creative brief that frames the design challenge.


The design stage is where our creative solutions, ideas or concepts are created, played around with and tested. This iterative process of trial and error helps us improve and refine our ideas. We often involve clients to share the direction of our thoughts and ideas before we present.


The final part of our process is the delivery stage, where the resulting project (brand identity, brochure, website, for example) is finalised, produced, launched and evaluated. This may involve pulling in a range of specialist resources and partners into our team to help deliver the project.


Look at your guarantee

Here's what you are guaranteed when you work with Wylde -


Insight, innovation, quality and relevance.


Obviously, we discuss everything in detail with you before we commit.
But if somehow you are not entirely satisfied with the outcome, we'll work with you until you are.


How does that look to you?



Let's work together

 © Copyright 2021 Wylde Design Associates